Welcome to SubhMantra. I'm glad and grateful you're here.

Can You Still Make A Living from the stock market?

Can you make a living as a Trader or Investor in Stock Market? If you ask me, I’d say a BIG YES!

Yes, there are thousands of people going to join stock market every day. 80% of them never make profit (it is said).Despite of this it is quite possible to make decent income for a common investor or trader.

I’m not the live example. But there are many legendary investors and traders who have proved this. Hopefully…Let me quickly introduce myself and also how this blog can prove to be a boon for you.

Meet Me Who Started It All

“I teach people how to invest in themselves that works in the stock market and generate both active and passive income to be their own boss.”

Hey everyone. Arpi here.

WELCOME again you all on my blog.

This is a tutorials point where you can explore the world of possibilities of making money in Stock Market by investing in yourself.

I am a family woman who learned about the stock market because I had to. It’s been 14 years since I started my journey in Indian Stock Market. I saw a lot of ups and downs in this journey.

I think these ups and downs are the real beauty of the stock market, which gives lots of opportunities to make money.

I’m a simple graduate housewife. I got my bachelor’s degree in arts from Kashi Vidyapeeth University, Varanasi, one of the most spiritual cities in the world.

I am fully supported by my family members, who love me very much and also simplify my complex tasks.

I have big dreams not only for you and me but also for our younger generations, who are still being told nothing about the importance of money by the education system.

They do not know how money works.

They do not even have any sense of non-traditional education which they will actually have to face in the future.

This blog is my way of giving back to every investor and trader who comes here and wants to become a permanent member of the SubhMantra Community.

My Mission

To spread financial awareness and knowledge to achieve financial freedom within reach of your dreams

My Vision

If the stock market is not a child’s play then it is not difficult either. Learning is the key of success.

SubhMantra’s Core Values

I am proud to be a purpose-driven blogger in the service of you.

I believe that education is the world’s greatest weapon for the good of all. Education makes us strong and free from all restrictions. Over time, this education gives us the ability to see higher dreams and turn them into reality.

And with such spirit and core values, SubhMantra is here as a personal blog.

I focus significantly on a concept-oriented learning blog to explore the possibilities of making money in the stock market as “Do It Yourself”. So that you can be successful in achieving some important financial goals of life.

I Could Not Do It Without Him

“My partner make my work better every step of the way. He is ……my life partner and inspiration to start this blog. And ready to help me when needed.”

Please Note -This blog is not for you if:

1. You are Looking for Quick Tips or Tricks

2. You Want to Get Rich Quick

3. You Want to Scam People